Friday, September 21, 2007

Giant Burger - Oakland

Giant Burger in Oakland on Telegraph, must once have been a moshing mecca of meat mastication. The dilapidated exterior and grungy interior, hint at greater days. I love the zigzag awning and old school sign out front. Harking back to days before 3/4-pound whoppers and Wendy's triples, the sign proclaims "1/4-pound" Giant Burger.

Perusing the menu I selected one of only 5 or 6 items not crossed out with black tape. The cheeseburger was $3.85 with fries. The Milk Shake was $2.50.

The burger was cooked right there behind the counter in plain sight. The fries were pulled dripping hot from the fryer just before they were bagged and handed over. As a result, the food was piping hot, save the milk shake which was cold and creamy.

The fries were thick and old-fashioned - a little soggy rather than crisp, but very tasty.

Served with copious amounts of onion slices, fresh tomato and shredded lettuce, the burger was topped with American cheese, mayo and mustard. The soft bun capped it off. That left the burger itself as only a small part of the total package. But somehow I found it quite satisfying. As I happily munched, I imagined a time when this burger and its restaurant were giants.

Burger 3.5 spatulas out of 5
Fries 3.5 spatulas
Shake 3 spatulas

Giant Burgers
2150 Telegraph
Oakland, CA

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