Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bix Restaurant- San Francisco, CA

Bix Restaurant in San Francisco has been my favorite dinner spot for a long time. It is an elegant place with a great bar, Jazz trio playing at dinner and great food. I have always gone for dinner, but - being a daytime burger guy - had not tried the burger.

My wife Pat and I were joined by our friends Juan and Carla. The dinner entrees were too good to pass up, so Juan and I decided to split the Truffled Pecorino Cheese Burger with fries ($26.75) as an appetizer. Our waiter was a bit surprised, but gladly accommodated us, bringing the burger out split in half and perfectly served on two plates along with fries covered with parmesan cheese.

Having the burger split in half, showed off how it was prepared with a truffle mix stuffed in the center and served on a buttered rye bun. The meat was cooked perfectly, just south of medium. It was a near perfect burger experience. Juan was equally impressed with his half.

The fries were miraculously crisp, covered as they were in baked parmesan cheese. Dipping them in the homemade ketchup was a tasty counterpoint to our Etude Pinot Noir wine.

Bix is a fantastic spot for a relaxing evening with friends in a great environment of music, attentive service and an elegant crowd. The burger turned out to be a great beginning to a great evening.

Burger 5 spatulas out of 5
Fries 5 spatulas out of 5

Bix Restaurant
56 Gold St.
San Francisco, CA 94133

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