The Dairy Belle in Belmont is a classic ice cream burger place along the lines of Fosters or Dairy Queen Brazier. I got an email from someone who recommended the burger. I told him I would meet him there and try it out. But one day I was driving by and couldn't wait. So I stopped in and checked it out.
According to their website, Dairy Belle is a franchised chain with 11 locations in the Bay Area. I have seen others, but not eaten there, so cannot vouch for their consistency.
It is a clean. remodeled version of an old drive-in. A big bright sign behind the counter clearly lists all the choices. I ordered a Bacon Cheeseburger ($4.89), Fries ($1.29), O-rings ($1.69) but for some reason I can't recall, did not get a shake. What was I thinking? It is the "Dairy" Belle.
The burger came quickly. The soft white sesame bun was grilled. American cheese and crisp bacon were joined by the standard mix of lettuce, tomato, onion. I liked the thousand island style sauce. Oh, I almost forgot, there was a small burger patty in there as well. It was okay, but nothing to get too excited about.
The Dairy Belle is pleasant enough place - nicely maintained and convenient. But I think next time I will have a shake.
Burger 2.5 spatulas out of 5
Fries 2 spatulas
O-Rings 2.5 spatulas
Dairy Belle Freeze
575 Ralston Avenue
Belmont, CA 94002
(650) 592-0505
Scott-should have called me(i told you about them) when you were in Belmont-I live less than 5 minutes from Dairy Belle which has now changed it's name to Classic 101 Burgers and Shakes. I have Never had cold fries at Dairy Belle so was shocked to read that and also-why are you only ordering 1/4 pound burger when you really want 1/2 pound? You get 2 patties instead of one. The 1/4 pound is what my 6 year old eats. Also not sure what you mean by onion pieces since it is clearly an onion ring-but the fries are better in my opinion and have always been crispy and hot when I go. Give them another shot and by all means-Get a Shake!
I will definitely give them another another look. I will man up on the 1/2 pounder as well. Thanks for your passion. I will try to get in contact with you so we can meet up.
I've been goin here since i was a boy and i can tell u that your first mistake was orderung the original fries..u HAVE to order the "sour cream fries"...sounds gross but there is no sour cream involved..they have a sour cream and chive flavored seasoning and are amazing.
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